29 February 2008

26 February 2008

24 February 2008


What the hell is Rock & Ball? Which made it worse is that in the Arabic menu they wrote Ball as it is which means only one thing “PISS”. When you are a genius… Do you want to have some piss anyone?!

Mr. Abdo Hanafeya??!!! Abdo the Tap or Abdo the Faucet?!! The prince of upper Egypt.

The name of the restaurant is the Khedive on the other hand the picture is of King Farouk? Result Zero in History

Spelling mistake occur even in Arabic?! What about using a spell check?!

They wanted to say “Diamond” they blew it in both languages in English and in Arabic

I respect the wisdom of our truck drivers

Getting a sun tan in the middle of the road :)

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Oh God! This guy has been suffering for 50 years, but he still has hope, he deserves respect

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A Fire Exit Door!!! In case of fire you will burn to death, start your prayers

This jerk has painted his license plate to hide both the 5 and the 0. OK now I see why we need new license plates but would that solve the problem?!

Beautiful Alexandria! The sign says Pedestrians are not allowed to use the Pedestrian Bridge?!!!! Why the Hell not?

Environmental Public Transportation

You can easily park in Cairo, but you need a miracle to get out of your parking spot.

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Naw Naw as Miao Miao :)

I don’t understand why we insist in writing the Sings in English when no one can spell and one can even read them?!

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Since when we are so westernized and we’re using family names: Miss Abdel Rahman?
“3and el matab adrab klakss” At the speed bump blow the car horn?!

This is a hospital???? This can be a morgue nothing more…

We can not even spell in Arabic?!!!

“The Nonbelievers Well”

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When you don’t know how to write your name in an another language ask someone to help you?! UOSEF!!!! Jo I am sorry to say you are dumb!

This sign was in the last Cairo Book Fair, I honestly don’t know how to comment?!

The sing says “El Malek El Saleh School: Clean, Beautiful, Modern, Productive” and I am going to faint?!!

And we are wondering why there are Train accidents in Egypt? I guess we are just unlucky?!!!

19 February 2008

A $14 Million License Plate???!!!

How Much is, "Too Much Money"?

A license plate bearing simply the number "1" fetched what organizers said was a world record $14 million at a charity auction in Abu Dhabi on 16 February 2008. The price paid by A wealthy Abu Dhabi businessman Saeed Abdel Ghaffar Khouri, 25, beat a record set by one of his relatives in September. The record has been submitted to the Guinness World Records book, the organizers said.

Emirates Auction, which organized the sale, said on its website that it had been expected to set a new world record for the most expensive car license plate in the world. The auction was held in the plush surroundings of the Emirates Palace Hotel on the Abu Dhabi waterfront. Last Saturday, 90 license plates were auctioned off in all, raising a total of $24 million. The previous five such events raised more than $50 million.

"It is not huge compared to my family's fortune," Saeed Khouri said after bidding 52.2 million Dirhams (14.2 million dollars) for an Abu Dhabi license plate "I bought it because it's the best number," said Khouri, whose family made its fortune in real estate. "I bought it because I want to be the best in the world."

Saeed Khouri wouldn't say how many automobiles he owned or which of them might carry the record-breaking single-digit plate.

Nowhere in the world people are willing to bid money for license plates more than in the UAE. The little rich state on the Persian Gulf is currently holding the record of the six most expensive license plates in the world. Number “5” and “7” were just recently auctioned for $6.75 and $2.97 million respectively.

At least the money goes to a worthy charity... Proceeds from the auction will fund construction of a specialized emergency hospital in the seven-member United Arab Emirates.

Maybe these purchases would make a degree of sense if the plates had some kind of message or clever pun, but just a number? A London man named Afzal Kahn bought a plate that reads only “F1” for just under a $1 million, but at least he got a letter :)

Oh the funny thing is one of the reasons why the Egyptian ministry of Interior Affairs is switching to new license plates in Egypt is the fact that people are racing to acquire small number plates?!!! Well maybe they will read the article above and learn to auction small numbers for charity. I am sure they will find enough rich Egyptians to pay at least EGP 1 Million for a plate.

It almost makes me sick to think of how much money there is that world and how little of it is spent on assisting human kind. Sure, millions of dollars are donated, but billions are spent on stupidity.

(Photos courtesy of AFP/Getty Images & Reuters)

17 February 2008

New Egyptian License Plates

The Egyptian ministry of interior affairs has decided to change all 26 Million license plates in Egypt. Why? no one really knows?! Changing license plates actually mean that the car registration cards will have to be changed as well. Imagine 26 million license plates and 26 million registration cards, how much will all that cost? and why do so???

In an article published in Al Ahram newspaper 16/2/2008 it stated that the change will be done on various phases the first phase will include Greater Cairo and Alex and that will take around 5 months, then the rest of the country in a second phase that is also supposed to last for another 5 months.

The new plates will be out within months, I heard a rumor that says next August but I am not sure. The ministry of interior spokesman declared that the new plates will be made based on international specs so they cannot be forged. The plates will be fitted on the cars in a highly technical manner that will prevent citizens from detaching them, and if they try the plates will break?!!

The new plates won’t point out the type of vehicle like it used to, you will no more see the word: Prive, Transport, Diplomatic, etc as it currently written on the plates. It will only mention the word Egypt in both Arabic & English. As if we don’t already know that we are in Egypt?!!!! If you take a look at the pictures above you will notice that word Egypt takes a large space of the new plates I think it would have been more logical to write the numbers with a bigger font?!

Instead of the current plates that include only numbers and in some cases contains up to 7 figures the new plates will contain only 4 numbers not including Zero and 3 letters that will give additional information regarding the car. The new plates numbers will be written in Hindi and Arabic numbers and the letters will be written in both Arabic and English?!! Why the heck? I have no clue. I think that the English translation of the Arabic letters looks really dumb and meaningless!!! Look at the picture above? The example published in Al Ahram says: TYS ﺱ ﻱ ‎ ﻃ oh God?!! Imagine if this is your license plate what will your friends say?? How are you Mr. Teez (Teez means Ass in Arabic?!)?!!! hahahahahahaha!!!!! Or your Teez size is 4321 didn’t know that its that big :) ع in English is an A or an E? we write Ali and Emad they both start with the letter ع in Arabic?! T is a or a ت‎?!

Why are we insisting to use the Hindi numbers? (٠.١.٢.٣.٤.٥.٦.٧.٨.٩) most of our Arab neighboring countries are using the Arabic numbers, (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) they are clearly readable and less confusing especially when cars are speeding?! But of course we have to be different.

Most of the Arabic letters look alike the difference is usually made using punctuation on the letters which can be very confusing in ticketing speeding cars for example: (ت ‎ ب ‎ ث‎) or (ج‎ ح خ‎) which made many Arabic countries using Arabic numbers only and no letters like for example: UAE, Kuwait, and Jordan. Others are using only Indian numbers and Arabic letters like Saudi with a large font size to be very clear. On the other hand Oman uses Arabic numbers with 2 Latin letters translated in Arabic which looks dumb still?! Traffic soldiers can barely read, now when they had to jot down a 7 digit number they were making allot of mistakes imagine when they have to write down 4 numbers and 3 letters, the result will be a SALAD :)

Anyways the new plates will be 35cm long and 17 cm wide. They will also be color coded: Orange will be for Taxis, Light Blue for private vehicles, Dark blue for Police cars, Yellow for custom cars, Green for diplomatic plates, Brown for commercial vehicles, Red for trucks.

I think that the ministry of interior should have asked a design company to design the new plates for them. I am sure the result would have been better looking plates that are more practical. Which makes it worse this is not the first time we have fucked up design, I heard that they plan to change the new IDs also as the code bar on the current ones is not working?!!

14 February 2008

Horrible Accident in Cairo

The accident reason: a woman was crossing the road then the first car stopped to avoid her but failed (Dead) then 13 cars complete the accident.

That’s why the Corniche & El Moneeb Highway were blocked yesterday.

Check the Pictures.

This accident occured yesterday February 13th, 2008 on El Moneeb Bridge in Cairo. The Accident included Vodafone bus coming from Maadi.

11 February 2008


Egyptian Celebrations in Paris

Ask any Egyptian, he’d tell you that last Sunday night, February the 10th, wasn’t like any night…It was a night of celebration people did not even wait for the delivery of the cup as soon as the referee blew his whistle, people started pouring in the streets to celebrated, dance, light torches and aerosol bottles. We can almost say it was a “Crazy Night”... Defending champion Egypt defeated Cameroon 1-0 and won the trophy of the Africa Nations Cup for the sixth time, a record of the continental tournament. A marvelous score in a beautiful ditto between Mohamed Aboutrika and Mohamed Zidan.
Egypt won.. Celebrations was almost every where on each and every street in Egypt, as well as in many other countries.

What you are going to see is not in Al-Tahreer Square in Cairo but it's Champs Elysées in Paris on 10 February 2008