25 November 2008

Only In Egypt more....

The government has no mercy; we will clamp you wherever you are!


Egyptian creativity

Survival for the fittest! The Bread war!!!

No safety regulations?! Where are the SHE guys?

No other choice I guess!!!

"No Parking! Not even for 1/2 a minute!!" How desparate was this guy to put such a sign!

Be creative :)

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The car belongs to Abou Lahab


I don't think any GARLS will wanna ride this one!

Is he carrying a refrigerator?

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Biggest Mistake of my life!

Yuck these feet stink!

Afternoon nap :)

Latest dryer technology….. open both back windows :)

24 November 2008

Birthday of Julia the Melody TV Girl!!!

Do you know the notorious Julia? Nicknamed Booby Julia!!! I guess so, you must have seen her on Melody TV with her yellow super woman outfit. She is in a way the latest socio-cultural phenomena in Egypt. Here are pictures I received of her so called birthday party! She probably gets one a month ;)

21 November 2008

The Economist

The Economist October '08

20 November 2008

Haifa in a wedding in Kuwait

Haifa in the wedding of Princess Gawaher: daughter of Sabah El-Salem Al Sabah. Isn't that the same dress she wore in Jordan? By the way the Kuwaitis were wondering where is Haifa's dress????

10 November 2008

Airport Security

Airport Security: What’s your name?

Passenger: Batman

Airport Security: Are you trying to be funny! What’s your real name please!

Passenger: Batman

Airport Security: Ok fine! What’s your family name?

Passenger: Superman

Airport Security: Guards please take him to immigration now!!!
Then they check his passport:

09 November 2008


For those who can't read Arabic, some Jordanian political analyst is congratulating Obama for winning the US presidential elections, and he placed this ad in a Jordanian newspaper saying that he published a research in 1994 and in Chapter five of that research he predicted Obama's victory?????!!!!!

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