21 July 1999

Engagement in CANADA.....

> From: mona
> Sent: Monday, July 19, 1999 1:41 PM
> Subject: engagement in CANADA.....
> HI I want to take your opinion
> i am invited to an engagement of a relative in Canada
> my husband and father says its crazy , let them send the video...
> my friend Maha told me you can buy a new car instead of going to Canada
> my opinion is that:
> we sit inside the car it is the other people who see it , but the trip
> will be me who will go
> what will you do if you were in my place???...
> mona

Mona I attended my Best friend's wedding in Seattle in 1996. But I am single
guy so it did not really cost me that much cause I also stayed for free. It
is an experience, that I will never forget. If your relative is close to U
to the extent U are really dying to go to the wedding, then go. If he/she is
not that close then don't and buy the Car :) If U want to go to the
Engagement as just an excuse to travel because U are looking forward for a
vacation, then Go.

Do U have a car? Is functioning? R U comfortable with it? Do U really need a
new Car??? A car is a mean of transportation it does not have to be fancy or
new it only has to be reliable. If U need a new car cause yours is on the
edge of breaking down, then U will regret not buying a new one when your old
car breaks in the middle of the road. If U don't need a new Car, then Go to
Canada & Dallas U will have fun hehehehe!!! I have been to Canada 5 times, I
actually save my money and go there every summer it is fun.



~ It is easier to get older than it is to get wiser
~ I started out with nothing....I still have most of it.
~ Love is blind but marriage is an eye-opener.
~ It is Ok for shit to happen. Shit will decompose
.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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