25 August 2005

Son of a Gay

A few days ago a friend of mine told me that Noaman Gomaa, the candidate for Al-Wafd Party, was giving a speech in the city of Port Said for his presidential election campaign. The Gomaa supporters went on and on shouting slogans which did not allow him to start his speech. So Mr. Gomaa asked the supporters to stop chanting so he could give his speech. No one paid attention to Mr. Gomaa and the shouting continued. One of the supporters got really excited and was taking the lead. Frustrated Mr. Gomaa avoided the table microphones (but he totally forgot that he was carrying a small microphone attached to his clothes) and he asked one of his aids "None one knows how to shut up this son of gay??" (Ma7adesh 3aref yesket Ibn El Khawal dah?). All the audience heard the comment and the auditorium went dead silent. Someone also added that the rude comment was heard on TV channels.

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