29 December 2006

2006 in Pictures (Our Part of the World)

Protesters chanted slogans during a rally against Pope Benedict XVI in Istanbul on November 26, before the pope's visit to Turkey. In September, he had made remarks angering Muslims, who accused him of trying to revive the spirit of the crusades.

Residents looking at shoes and other items belonging to bombing victims at the scene of attacks in Baghdad's Sadr City on November 24

On November 5, Saddam Hussein was convicted and sentenced by the Iraqi High Tribunal to hang for crimes against humanity in the 1982 killings of 148 people in a Shiite town.

This American marine, wounded in Iraq's Anbar Province on October 31, was one of the thousands of casualties that marked the continuing violence in Iraq. Shootings, bombings and other assaults tore at this beleaguered country daily as the United States and its allies sought a solution.

The conflict in the Darfur region of Sudan showed no letup, as the bodies of dead Sudanese soldiers testified October 19. The United States called it genocide, the Sudanese government played it down and the rest of the world watched the unrelieved horror.

Still recovering from a devastating civil war, Lebanon was caught between two determined forces - Israel and Hezbollah. Israeli air strikes left this neighborhood in a southern Beirut suburb a pile of rubble and twisted metal July 20.

The Taliban have re-emerged in greater numbers and boldness, staging attacks throughout Afghanistan and in its capital, Kabul. NATO has increased its presence and American troops remain in the country, and both have come under increased fire. A Taliban fighter, left, who was captured after an attack on American soldiers June 23.

Sudanese Liberation Army fighters, from the faction of Minni Minawi who signed the Darfur Peace agreement, taking part in a military exercise during a visit by the Unicef good will ambassador, Mia Farrow, at Galap camp, north of Darfur, Sudan, on June 14.

A blindfolded human skull on a mass grave of skeletons unearthed by forensic experts in a desert south of Baghdad on June 3. Sonny Trimble, a U.S. forensic expert, said that 18 grave sites had been found.

Besides attacks on American and allied forces, sectarian violence left the deepest wounds on Iraq and its people. Here, a victim laying covered in a Baghdad hospital, one of 25 killed in a bombing March 1.

The golden dome of one of Iraq's holiest Shiite shrines, the Askariya mosque in Samarra, was destroyed February 22, setting off an unprecedented spasm of sectarian violence.

A nationwide demonstration was held February 3 in Iran protesting the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten and reprinted in other European publications. The cartoons sparked outrage across the Islamic world.

On February 3, an Egyptian ferry sank in the Red Sea, killing more than 1,000 passengers.
Relatives waited near the port in Safaga for news of friends and relatives who might have survived.

A Hamas supporter celebrated the militant Islamic party's landslide victory in Palestinian parliamentary elections January 27.

Courtsey of International Herald Tribune

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