23 December 2006

Best Album I heard in 2006

I had never heard of Andrea Bocelli until I received his CD Amore as a gift. This is a real fine album which I enjoy immensely. Andrea has an amazing tenor’s voice and he can actually sing in many languages: Italian, French, Spanish and English. The song selections are wonderful and delivered like no other can. He has scored 5 Stars with me. My favorite song is 'Mi Manchi' it is definitely a thing of beauty.

I was not surprised to know that Bocelli is blind it explains how he expresses beautifully his soul and mind through his songs.

Thank you my dear for this beautiful gift :*) Mi manchi molto

Fabrizio Berlincioni / Gianfranco Fasano

Mi manchi
Quando il sole da la mano all’orizzonte
Quando il buio spegne il chiasso
della gente
La stanchezza addosso che non
va più via
Come l’ombra di qualcosa
ancora mia.

Mi manchi
Nei tuoi sguardi
E in quell sorriso un pò incosciente
Nelle scuse di quei tuoi probabilmente
Sei quell nodo in gola
che non scende giù
E tu e tu

Mi manchi mi manchi
Posso far finta di star bene ma mi manchi
Ora capisco che vuol dire
Averti accanto prima di dormire
Mentre cammino a piedi nudi
dentro l’anima

Mi manchi e potrei
Cercarmi un’altra donna
ma m’ingannerci
Sei il mio rimorso senza fine
Il freddo delle mie mattine
Quando mi guardo intorno
E sento che mi manchi

Ora che io posso darti un pò di più
E tu e tu

Mi manchi e potrei
Cercarmi un’altra donna
ma m’ingannerci
Sei il mio rimorso senza fine
Il freddo delle mie mattine
Quando mi guardo intorno
E sento che mi manchi

© Emi Songs Edizioni Musicali S.r.l / Sony Music Publishing S.r.l

I miss you -
When the sun touches the horizon
When darkness covers the sounds
of the people,
The listlessness no longer
goes away
Like the shadow of something
that’s still mine

I miss you -
In your look
In that thoughtless smile
In those excuses of yours,
You’re the lump in my throat
that doesn’t go away
It’s you, it’s you

I miss you, I miss you
I can pretend to be okay but I miss you
Now I know what I need to say -
To have you near before going to sleep
While I stand undisguised
within my soul

I miss you and I could
find another woman
but I’d be cheating myself
You’re my regret without an end and
The chill of my mornings,
When I look inside myself
And know that I miss you.

Now that I can give you a little more -
It’s you, it’s you

I miss you and I could
have another woman
but I’d only be cheating myself,
You’re my regret without an end and
The chill of my mornings,
When I look inside myself
And know that I miss you.

Translation by A. Waterbury

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