08 January 2007

Kids Imitate Saddam's Televised Hanging Death

Being affected by Saddam Hussain's execution shown on television a 14 year old Yemeni boy called Saddam Hussain Al Jakey hanged himself from the tree next to his house last week, and hanged himself. Al Jakeyhad insisted on staying at home alone while the family went out to spend the Eid holiday. When the family came back they found him dead," 08/01/2007 (Gulf News)

Ayman Mansour Al Razmi, 13, also hanged himself imitating Saddam's death in front of his friends at Al Naqilain village 200km south of the capital Sanaa. "After he tied a rope around his neck and the rope was tied to a tree, he stood on a [pile] of stones and when the stones fell from under his feet he was left hanging. 08/01/2007 (Gulf News)

Twenty-year-old Ahmad Faisal Mohammad from the southern province of Al Dhale'e tried to kill himself by firing a Kalashnikov rifle at his neck immediately after watching the hanging on TV. He was admitted to a hospital where he is under intensive care, according to relatives.

Islamabad, 7 Jan 2007: Depressed over the execution of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussain, a 22-year-old Pakistani madrassa student hanged himself, police said here.

On 1 January Mubashar Ali, 9, hanged himself, while re-enacting Saddam’s hanging with the help of elder sister, 10, after tying a rope to a ceiling fan and his neck in his home in central Pakistan.

Sergio Pelico a 10-year-old Texas boy was apparently mimicking Saddam Hussein's execution when he hanged himself from a bunk bed, police and family members said.

15-year-old from Kolkata, Moon Moon Karmarkar hanged herself from a ceiling fan after watching Saddam’s execution

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