14 March 2014

The Eye of Horus

The Eye of Horus was believed to have healing and protective power, and it was used as a protective amulet.

The Eye was divided into six parts, representing the shattering of Horus eye into six pieces. Each piece was associated with one of the six senses and a specific fraction. These 6 parts correspond to the six senses - Touch, Taste, Hearing, Thought, Sight, Smell.

The eye is the receptor of input. It has these six doors, to receive data. The senses are ordered according to their importance. And according to how much energy must be eaten by the eye for an individual to receive a particular sensation. All of the sensory data input is food.

In the Ancient Egyptian measurement system, the eye of Horus represented a fractional quantification system to measure parts of a whole. The entire eye measured 1 heqat and each of the parts of the eye measured fractions of the heqat. The corresponding sense data are :-
1/64 heqat Touch
1/32 heqat Taste
1/16 heqat Hearing
1/8 heqat Thought
1/4 heqat Sight
1/2 heqat Smell

1. Touch 1/64 heqat
This part of the eye represents planting a stick into the ground. Like planting a stalk that will take root. The Earth represents touch. Planting itself represents physical contact and touching.

2. Taste 1/32 heqat
This part of the eye represents the sprouting of the wheat or grain from the planted stalk. It is the food we put into our mouth. And so represents taste. Taste is also = Touch + Shape. That is to say, the different tastes we experience come from touching different shapes. So, touch is more a fundamental sense that taste.

3. Hearing 1/16 heqat
This part of the eye represents the EAR. The figure points towards the ear on the face. Also, it has the shape of a horn or musical instrument. When we Hear a sound or combination of sounds we find this to be pleasing or unplesant. The sound has a taste for us, causing a preference. Sound requires Touch + Taste and so is a combination of the lower senses.

4. Thought 1/8 heqat
This part of the eye represents thought. We often use our eyebrows to express our thoughts. And this facial feature is closest to that part of the forehead we associate with thinking. We raise our eyebrows to express surprise, for example. Thought = Touch + Taste + Hearing. If you think about it. Thinking is a kind of surpressed sound. The language we think in is like the *touch* of muscle prior to giving voice. And of course, we have a *taste* for different types of thoughts.

5. Sight 1/4 heqat
This is the pupil of the eye. And so no more needs to be said. It represents seeing, or the sensation of light.

6. Smell 1/2 heqat
This part of the eye points to the nose. It even looks like a nose. It represents the sensation of smell.

source: aloha.net

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